How will the volunteer participants be compensated?
You will receive reimbursement for each part of the study your time and travel expenses as outlined below:
- You will receive 1 $20 gift card when you complete the online surveys
- You will receive 1 $40 gift card when complete the visit to the Clinical Research Center.
- You will receive 1 $20 gift card when you return the activity monitors.
- You will receive 1 $20 gift card when you complete the audio-taped interview.
If you complete all study components your total reimbursement will be $100.
You will receive travel reimbursement (equivalent value of MetroCard) for your travel to the Clinical Research Center for the study. Your childcare needs are considered as well, as we will provide toys and games for the children during the visit, and tangible items (e.g., crayons, toy balls) as gifts to your family.
- 完成在线调查后即可收到一张价值 20 美元的礼品卡
- 访问完临床研究中心后即可收到一张价值 40 美元的礼品卡。
- 归还活动监视器后即可收到一张20 美元的礼品卡。
- 完成录音采访后即可收到一张价值 20 美元的礼品卡。
How can I volunteer?
- Scan the QR code below and fill in the sign up form for volunteering.